Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Education blogs are becoming a means for educators, students, and education administrators to interact more effectively than ever before. Technorati currently tracks 63.1 million blogs. Over 5,000 of them are about education. It is likely that there are hundreds, if not thousands, more education-related blogs on the Web. (UPDATE: There are over 30,000 blogs hosted at alone. Thanks James Farmer!) Here is a list of our staff's 100 favorites.

Please note that this is by no means an exhaustive list of all of the great education blogs out there. Chances are you may have favorites that are not included here. Also note that this list is not ranked but rather is ordered alphabetically within each topic.

Blog Topics

College | E-Learning | Education News | Education Policy | Internet Culture | Learning | Library and Research | Specialty | Teaching | Technology


These blogs provide tips for current College v2

  • Year One: A College Blog

  • E-Learning

    Technology-assisted learning and online learning are topics discussed in these blogs.

    1. Clive on Learning
    2. Connectivism
    3. Digital Chalkie
    4. Internet Time Blog
    5. elearnspace
    6. E-Learning Queen
    7. Learning and Technology
    8. Moving at the Speed of Creativity
    9. Stephen's Web
    10. The Knowledge Tree
    11. XplanaZine

    Education News

    These two blogs are good starting points to read more about the latest news in the world of education.

    1. Eduwonk
    2. This Week in Education

    Education Policy

    These are blogs written by activists who are looking to reform our school system or just education in general.

    1. Change Agency
    2. D-Ed Reckoning
    3. Education in Texas
    4. Education Intelligence Agency
    5. Jenny D.
    6. Practical Theory
    7. Schools Matter

    Internet Culture

    Internet applications, such as RSS and blogs, and how they can be applied in a teaching/learning environment are discussed in these blogs.

    1. absolutely intercultural
    2. Adventures in Educational Blogging
    3. BionicTeacher
    4. Digital Writing, Digital Teaching
    5. Full Circle Online Interaction Blog
    6. Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
    7. Infinite Thinking Machine
    9. Learn Online


    The focus of these blogs is on learning theory, informal learning, and knowledge.

    1. 2 Cents Worth
    2. abject learning
    3. Informal Learning Blog
    4. Learning Curves
    5. Learnlets
    6. McGee's Musings
    7. Random Walk in Learning
    8. The Stingy Scholar

    Library and Research

    These are research-based blogs, some of which are library-based or written by librarians.

    1. David Lee King
    2. Deep Thinking
    3. Dissertation Research
    4. Free Range Librarian
    5. heyjude
    6. ideant
    7. Information Wants To Be Free
    8. InfoSciPhi
    11. LibraryBytes
    12. Library Stuff
    13. LSJ Editors' Blog
    14. Panlibus
    15. Rambling Librarian
    16. Research Buzz
    17. Resource Shelf
    18. STLQ
    19. Tasty Research


    Music, history, science, and law are discussed at these blogs, respectively.

    1. Catalysts & Connections
    2. History Is Elementary
    3. Polar Science 2006
    4. WisBlawg


    The following blogs deal with issues facing teachers, including teaching methods, lesson plans, aids, and tools.

    1. A Difference
    2. Are We Doing Anything Today?
    3. Artichoke
    4. blog of proximal development
    5. Borderland
    6. Bud the Teacher
    7. Christopher D. Sessums Blog
    8. Cool Cat Teacher Blog
    9. FunnyMonkey
    10. Infocult: Information, Culture, Policy, Education
    11. NYC Educator
    12. Teachers Teaching Teachers
    13. Teaching
    14. Teaching Generation Z
    16. The Open Classroom


    Bringing technology to the classroom and using technology to learn and teach are topics discussed within these blogs.

    1. A Teacher's Life
    2. Around the Corner v2
    3. Beth's Thoughts on Technology in the Classroom
    4. bgblogging
    5. Bionic Teaching
    6. Blogging IT and EDucation
    7. CogDogBlog
    8. Dangerously Irrelevant
    9. Derek's Blog
    10. Ed-Tech Insider
    11. EdCompBlog
    12. Blog
    13. EdTechPost
    14. EduBlog Insights
    15. Education/Technology
    16. Infomancy
    17. Remote Access
    18. Teach42
    19. Techlearning Blog
    20. The Tech Savvy Educator
    21. The Thinking Stick
    22. Weblogg-ed

    OEDb Top 100 Blog BadgeAs with any list of this nature, there are bound to be flaws. These are just our personal favorites. If you would like to contact us with your own suggestions, please e-mail

    Update: Many bloggers who have appeared on this list have requested that we provide them with a badge that they could proudly display on their blog. Well, there it is to the left.

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